Meet the Team
Co Founder/ Executive Director
Bree Anderson
Co Founder/Director of Family Engagement & Programming
Kendra Anderson
Co Founder/ Director of Strategic Partnerships & Community Outreach
Andre Apparicio
Administrative & Engagement Coordinator
Digital Strategy Manager
Youth Navigator: Volunteer

Tulane University: Violence As A Public Health Problem
Increasing awareness to all individuals across the public health sector to over 2,000 students.
Imagining A Decarcerated Louisiana
This year the theme is “Prison Abolition and Beyond” and is meant to include all locations and instances in which people are held against their will, including jails, immigration detention, juvenile detention facilities, psychiatric wards, and more. The “beyond” portion is intended to include consideration of the abolition of policing as part of the larger mass incarceration system.
As a part of this week, our chapter is hosting a virtual panel discussion on March 4th at 5pm on Zoom with local activists and directly impacted community members. We would like to invite you to join as a panelist.
Day of Empathy:Cut50 & Dream Corps
Panelist: Participating = making a choice to activate your own personal social justice plan! If you want to make changes in the criminal justice system but don't know what to do, this event is for YOU! We can't wait to share space with you! See you on March 2nd!"
Click here to view the event details, spread the word and message the event host!